Our Services
Advanced care, comfortable dentistry

When many of your teeth are loose or painful, they may be beyond saving. This condition is usually caused by advanced periodontal disease. If you are not a good candidate for implants, then removing your teeth and replacing them with a denture may be the best way to eliminate the infection and restore the health of your mouth. Periodontal disease causes bone to be lost; if it’s not caught in time, there’s so little support for the teeth that they have to be removed. A Full Denture replaces all the missing teeth in the upper and lower jaw. When the entire procedure is completed in one day, it’s called an Immediate Denture. A Partial Denture is a removable dental appliance that replaces multiple missing teeth. It can be attached to the teeth with clasps (metal or tooth colored) or it can be attached to the teeth with crowns with precision attachments (hidden clasps). An Implant Overdenture is a denture that has some sort of direct connection to dental implants. The connection helps secure the Full Denture into place, while overcoming the instability and lack of retention of a common complete denture. This is a good treatment option for an individual who requires a full denture, but wants to achieve a more stable and less bulky type of restoration.

Dental instruments and dental jaw mode

Male doctor stomatologist working in the clinic

Sterile equipment lining up on a panel